Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center Invites You to Our

Women's Luncheon & Fashion Show

Honoring Rachel Dombrowsky

Owner/Operator of Harbor House

Rachel Dumbrowsky

Friday, April 20, 2018
from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm


North Hempstead Country Club
Port Washington, NY

Dear Friends,

It’s time for our annual Women’s Luncheon and Fashion Show! Once again, we will enjoy a fun afternoon celebrating women, while bringing awareness about Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and how it disproportionately affects women.

Through this event, we are hoping to bring awareness of AD and other related forms of dementia. Currently, Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death across all ages in the United States and almost two-thirds of Americans with AD are women. It affects some 5.4 million Americans, 50,000 of them right here on Long Island. At Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center, we believe it’s crucial for those living with AD, and their caregivers, to experience a meaningful life after diagnosis.

We are proud of our cutting-edge programs and services that provide hands-on, individualized care, tailored to a participant’s stage in the disease process. We have had a very exciting 2017, with several new developments that have helped us reach more families in need. For starters, we moved to our new, centrally-located center in Westbury—a bright, state-of-the-art space with rooms designated for our Social Adult Day programs, caregiver support groups, and entertainment. For participants needing some quiet time, we have our Snoozeland Room, equipped with soothing sensory devices to help them rest. This year, we also launched a Weekend Drop Off program on Saturdays, which includes a caregiver support group one Saturday a month. We now provide extended hours during the week and are a Music & Memory℠ Certified Care organization. Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center continues to offer caregiver support groups for spouses and adult children, door-to-door transportation in selected areas of North Hempstead, and our invaluable In-Home Respite program.

The need for our programs and services continues to grow. It’s projected that by 2050 the number of people 65 and older diagnosed with Alzheimer’s may nearly triple to 13.8 million. Until there is a cure, Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center is here, now, to provide much-needed support and comfort to families dealing with this devastating disease.

We encourage you to review the many sponsorship opportunities that are available. Thank you for your support in helping us continue our mission.


Tori Cohen, Executive Director

Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center

Sponsorship Opportunities

Runway Sponsor - $5,000

Table of ten (10) at luncheon and fashion show; Gold Page Digital Journal ad; prominent placement of company name and logo on all promotional materials, including e-blasts, Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center website, Facebook and other social media outlets; mention in all event promotions and press releases, including pre- and post-event publicity; link to company website; signage at event; welcome address at event.

Fashion Show Sponsor - $2,500

Luncheon and fashion show for six (6) guests; Silver Page Digital Journal ad; placement of company name and logo on promotional materials, including Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center website; signage at event; introduction at event.

Luncheon Sponsor - $1,000

Luncheon and fashion show for four (4) guests; Full Page Digital Journal ad; recognition on the Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center website; signage at event.

Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center Sponsor - $750

Luncheon and fashion show for two (2) guests; Half Page Digital Journal ad; recognition on the Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center website; signage at event.

Luncheon & Fashion Show Ticket - $150 pp

Table of Ten - $1,400

Digital Journal Opportunities

Please note: Deadline for all Digital Journal Ads (both as part of sponsorship or separate) is April 9, 2018.
Please e-mail logo artwork and digital journal ads (sized accordingly) to Michelle Yadoo at: myadoo@liaf.org


Grand Raffle Ticket(s) $10/ticket

Raffle Ticket(s) $20/1 sheet - $50/3 sheets


Raffle/Auction Prize Donation

Other Ways to Participate…

To donate a raffle or auction gift, please call or email Event Coordinator Christine Rice with your raffle prize ideas and donations at (516) 767-6856 ext. 19 / crice@liaf.org. Or contact any of our committee members:

Patricia Bailey

Susan Bloomfield

Sarah Carpenter

Mary Eibeler

Laura Emmert

Laura Giunta

Jennifer Hesekiel

Lynn Iseppon

Rachael Koutrouby

Francine Puskarich

Christine Rice

Penelope Wamboldt
Michelle Yadoo

Our Mission

To help improve the quality of life for those living with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers

Since its​​​​ inception in 1988, the Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center has served as a lifeline to those individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and their families in Nassau and Queens. Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center provides specialized programming aimed at meeting the evolving needs of individuals with dementia and their caregivers across the progression of the disease. Our programs provide opportunities for mental and social stimulation, recreation and creative expression within a safe and supervised environment. We are committed to the belief that there is life worth living after an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Our caring professionals help program participants maximize their remaining abilities, while providing much-needed information, support and respite to family caregivers.

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