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Presenting Sponsors......$15,000
  • 15 tickets to the event
  • Banner with name/logo at the main entrance and at the main bar
  • Special Recognition at the event
  • Recognition on the Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center website
Platinum Sponsor......$10,000
  • 12 tickets to the event
  • Special Recognition at the event as sponsor for:
    1. Tequila Bar
    2. Whiskey Bar
    3. Sushi Bar
  • Recognition on the Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center website
  • 8 tickets to the event
  • Special Recognition at the event as the Valet Sponsor
  • Recognition on the Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center website
  • 2 tickets to the event
  • Recognition at the event
Individual Tickets......$250


About Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center

The mission of Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center is to help improve the quality of life for individuals living with Alzheimer's disease and related memory disorders, and their caregivers.

For 30 years, Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center has been providing supportive community-based services to Alzheimer's families on Long Island. Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center takes considerable pride in its pioneering role in the development of cutting edge services that foster the independence, dignity, well-being and safety of individuals with Alzheimer's, thus aiding in the prevention of premature nursing home placement.

Until there is a cure for Alzheimer's disease, Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center is the best solution to helping families choose the right path for their loved one; one person, one family, one community at a time. Visit us at

Don't Forget to RSVP!

Click the button below to RSVP to this event:

Thursday, October 18, 2018 from 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM EST

Haute Durvo
55 Lumber Road, Rosalyn

© Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center. All rights Reserved

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